Later versions of VIPM seems to have changed so that some older packages will not show up in later VIPM versions.

A downgrade of VIPM should work, but the version containing this change is unknown to us at the moment.

Workaround for the cDAQ driver:

Since a *.vip file is basically a zip-file you could try to manually install the driver.

1. Make sure LabVIEW is closed
2. Extract the *.vip file
3. Check the spec file where to copy the different files, but basically 
* File Group 0 Target Dir="<application>" 
* File Group 1 Target Dir="<vi.lib>/addons/WireFlow"
* File Group 2 Target Dir="<vi.lib>/addons/WireFlow"
* File Group 3 Target Dir="<vi.lib>/addons/WireFlow"
* File Group 4 Target Dir="<vi.lib>/addons/WireFlow"
4. Copy the attached VI to the VIPM Helpers folder (\addons\WireFlow\_WF3132-Multiplexer(cDAQ)\_VIPM helpers)
5. Open LabVIEW with administrative rights (needed to be able to install the NI-AMI driver)
6. Run "WF3132_Post-Install Custom Action (w-o VIPM).vi" from the VIPM helpers folder